Manganese: The Official Website

The Official Manganese Biograghy

The Band
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The Begining

        Curtis James McKenzie was born August 14th, 1993 in Newmarket Ontario. His parents were Arthur "Sonny" McKenzie and Jody Herriman. As a child Curtis and his familly moved around Southern Ontario quite a bit. From New Market, to Orangeville, from Orangeville to Barrie where they finally setteled down in 1995 where Curtis' brother Travis Arthur McKenzie was born on August 18th.

Growing Knowledge

        They lived in Barrie for a year before moving to Bowminville in early 1997. They setteled in Bowminville for a few years where Curtis and his brother Travis started school and started a feel for music. Both Curtis and his familly used to go to thier grandmothers camp were they would do karioke night on Satarday. Sometimes thier father Arthur would play guitar while they sang along.

The Rockers Are Born

        Finally in late 2002, Curtis at age nine, and Travis at age seven, moved with thier familly to Port Hope, Ontario to be near familly and for thier parents work. As the months progressed, the boys started getting into more music and learning about the artists they were listening to as time went on. After a while in later 2003, Travis asked his father Arthur if could get a guitar. Arthur jumped at the sound of those words and ran out and bought him one right away.

Just Rockin' Out

        A year later, in late 2004 the familly moved up north to Noelville, in The French River area. As time kept ticking by, so did the boys knowledge and understanding of music. At ages ten and eight, they new a ton about rock and metal music and kept learning and learning. In 2005 they started a little PRETEND band called Manganese. They wrote short pieces used a tape player to record them. Curtis on vocals and Travis on guitar.

The Move And The Hard Times

        In early 2006, the familly moved back down to Southern Ontario, Oshawa to be exact. In January of that year, thier father left them and the familly was torn, not in two, but a feeling of it, but that didnčt stop the boys from playing thier music. In February of 2006, Curtis, Travis, and thier mother, moved to Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario to be near familly. They moved in with thier grandmother (on thier mothers side) and lived with her for four months before getting a house and setteling down.

The First Band And The First Split

        The boys at ages thirteen and eleven wouldnt give up on thier music and formed a band called Fantesize with there buddy Jordan Lensd. It didnt last long as Jordan was too busy and had other things to do. So the boys carried on as a duette. Curtis on vocals and rhythm guitar, and Travis on lead guitar and vocals. After a while, they changed there band name back to Manganese were they wrote there first masterpiece named Manganese (The Bleeding). In late 2008, Curtis at age fourteen, and Travis at age twelve, went there separate ways. Curtis going solo, and Travis had his own band with his friend Jacod Clementski called The Crazy Bogassins.

Vlassoff And The Starting Moment

        As Curtis went on doing small gigs at his high school, Sir James Dunn C&VS, he met up with his friend Darren Vlassoff and asked Darren to start a band with him. Darren asked if Curtis had a lead guitarist. He lied and said yes, so Darren agreed to be in a band with him, but Curtis was still stuck with the task off getting a lead guitarist.

Ready To Rock!

        After hearing about his brother breaking up from The Crazy Bogassins, he jumped at the thought and asked Travis if he would be in a band with him. He said he would do it only if the band would be called Wanko Twist. Curtis and Darren agreed with the name and finally the stars were allining but they still needed a manager and a place to practice. So Curtis asked his friend D.J. Horton if he would resolve the problem, and he agreed to do it. The band was doing great and had most of thier tracks recorded but still there was a problem. What was the problem? The name of the band. Right away, Curtis called a band meeting and all four of them decided to change the name of the band to Manganese after Curtis and Travis' origonal band.  

Now And Then

        From that day Manganese has been working hard to progress to album status with twelve tracks in recording prossess. From August 5th, 08, to Loverbeam, the band is closing in on there dream and will soon be the ultimate rock band of the 2000s.


"All I Wanna Be Is A Wanko Yeah!"